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The Bell on ABC Local Radio

Wendy Lloyd Curley

If you ask me... Gary Dixon has a voice like caramel and is a PR dream. He and Herm Kovac from TMG have had such a great way about them when they're interviewed by Chris Bath on ABC Local Radio, that Chris's producer - the lovely Lyndall - invited Gary to share more of his story.

The result is a 45 minute interview (forty-five minutes!) with Gary, Ben, and me on the ABC. It was aired this past Thursday night at 9:00 just after the news. I'll admit that I was more nervous to listen to this than I ever am when I'm performing on a stage in front of you. Not because the audience was big, but because I wanted the songs we played to be beautiful. To be true to the artists that wrote them while still being Bellified. To make you proud. I cringed before each song started and then relaxed as our voices did what they always do... They make me smile.

We love the support you all give us at our gigs and we appreciate your kind words about the interview so far. Hopefully we touched some new fans and will be able to keep doing what we love doing. And that's playing for you.

Enjoy this recording. And if you're in Sydney this weekend... we're playing on Sunday, 9 September at the Bayview Hotel in Gladesville. Why don't you pop in for a spell, relax, and sing along? We'd love to see you.

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